From September end till now, six rounds of Black Friday have been released to the public.The 3rd to 6th rounds of Black Friday Promotion are still on.
The 3rd round-USDT&QC bitearn:unlimited total amount and 20% annualized reward.Stop at 11th Nov.
The 5th round-BTC bitearn:unlimited total amount and 5% annualized reward.Stop at 25th Nov.
The 6th round-DASH PoS:a 14-days DASH PoS mining pool project started at 2nd Nov,the 14-days financial scheme features a 8% annualized reward and no amount limit. Stop at 16th Nov.
7th round Black Friday promotion is coming! The 14-days QTUM PoS mining pool project is opening at 2018/11/9 23:59PM UTC+8. The QTUM PoS mining pool will be 200% of regular reward. In addition, users can withdraw free of charge once a day.